Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Just a few notes......

I really have been a way for a long while, But I am going to make every effort to finally write on my blog....It has been a tough and busy few past months, But I am back. I have decided to live my dream....Going to stay with writing, and photography...and write the odd jingle..:)
I have a web page now, selling the first of a series growing Childrens book on my page, And I really consider photography is in a art class all by itself. They too express a person in a variety of ways. I will grow this little book, as the child grows...eventually....the final book will be full of mystery, and fantasy...for the older children. Write starts at the k level ages 0-6 years. Soon, I will have a book of Poetry out:) Another one of my passions of expression. my page is There will be more stuff added very soon!
Thank-you and blessings!!